Battlefield 2042: Easy Guide To Upgrade Your Vehicle Mastery

If you want to have a easy guide to upgrade your vehicle mastery, then you are on a right place.

Battlefield 2042 Easy Guide

Hello, buddy gamers. We are back again with another set. This time we are going to address a very common problem in the game Battlefield 2042 i.e reaching tier 1 in the vehicle. So we have put up a guide for that. Stay with us till the last to find out more about this.

Battlefield 2042 Easy Guide To Upgrade Your Vehicle Mastery

Battlefield 2042 New Release:

This game is the only game of its kind. This was the first Multiplayer only entry game in the world. It had this crown in its head for a pretty long time. So with its new update or maybe the new release, this game has become faster, meaner, and more exciting. This time you can use fabulous strategies, amazing teamwork to conquer the tasks. You can fight as a foot soldier in the game. You can also battle with a tank or with a fighter jet as well. You can select operators i.e. one can choose which character to play in the game.

Battlefield 2042, Tier 1:

If you guys have played battlefield then you guys might feel my pain. Leveling up my vehicle was a certain pain in my head. Then we found out a very simple trick that really helped us in boosting our gains. If you guys know there is a title called the wheeled warrior in the game. You will have to achieve it to obtain many cool skins and guns in your weapon. Just a point to note, this is only for vehicles on road. These can’t be applied to jets or rangers.

Guide To Level up Your Vehicle Mastery in Battlefield 2042 1 scaled

Leveling up the Vehicle in Battlefield 2042:

So now to the main part, you guys know that you have to make vehicle kills to achieve this title. But there is a twist to it. You guys can actually make your teamwork for you. This means if your teammate kills with a vehicle this will be counted as your kill. You can also use proximity grenades to add assists.  If you want multiple kills with a vehicle follow these steps:

  • Drive your vehicle into a fight.
  • Get out of your vehicle and throw a proximity grenade
  • Then get back into your vehicle.
  • The enemies killed with the grenade will be added as direct assist.


So these were a few tricks in Battlefield 2042 that you guys can apply to level up your vehicle’s level. You can also do random vehicle kills to increase your kill count.

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