How to Get The Catch Polearm in Genshin Impact | Easy Fishing Guide!

In Genshin Impact if you want to get the 4-star Polearm, these are the things you need to do to get it.

The-Catch-in Genhshin Impact

The Catch Polearm – If you are a Genshin Impact lover, we are certain that you got the idea about the fishing game system that was introduced in version 2.1 of the game in which you can use baits to catch the various types of fishes in the game. If you want to know how you can get the catch polearm just keep scrolling below this article!

Unlock Fishing in Genshin Impact:

In order to unlock the fishing system in the game, you need to unlock the serenitea Pot as well as complete the “Exploding Population” world quest provided by NPC Nantuck who belongs to the fishing association found near the Mondstadt’s called as the Mondstadt Fishing association, here you can use the materials available to build baits that are quite attractive to help you catch the various fishes.

Polearm, How to Catch Fish:

In order to get the catch you first need to catch the listed fishes

  • 6 Raimei Angelfish.
  • 20 Golden koi.
  • 20 Rusty koi.

There are needed to be caught for the refinements.

  • For Ako’s sake vessel – 12 Raimei Angelfish, 40 Pufferfish, and 40 Bitter Pufferfish.

Genshin Impact How To Get The Catch Polearm

These Baits will be of Aid:

The Raimei Angel fish that’s one of the hardest ones. To get it, you need to head to the fishing point off Tatarasuna that too having a time window of 18:00 to 6:00, these can be baited using False worm Bait.

For Golden and rusty koi you can go with the fake fly at Mondstadt, liyue, and Inzuma but there isn’t a time window for this, you can also get various pufferfish at these locations.

genshin impact catch polearm

These fishes can be used to get the catch followed by it’s Refinements, these fishes take a time of 48 hours or more to respawn so if you can’t wait for your refinements you can use co-op, but prior to your fishing, you need to ask the host for their permission.

Bit More Stats:

It’s substat is energy recharged the passive refinements enhances Elemental Burst DMG by 32% and CRIT Rate by 12%.


Hope you get your hands soon on The Catch of Polearm, and don’t forget to help your friends with it so share this article so that they can also have their own catch. Also, read our guide on secret room opening.