Dark Souls 3: All Four Endings And How To Get Them

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Dark Souls 3 Endings: FromSoftware has found a ridiculous success with the Demons of Demons, but Sony’s involvement in the game’s ownership means that the  next studio game – Black Souls – had to come out as a spiritual sequence. Consistent with all the mediums, the limitations often reinforce art and Black Souls cutting through Demon Souls was clearly the best thing that ever happened to FromSoftware. The original Souls of Darkness initiated a revolution, encouraged game designers everywhere and rebuilt interpersonal and complex relationships.

While Dark Souls 2 was a no-brainer for veteran fans (though not all of them), FromSoft was able to do both courses with Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3: the final and final entry in the Dark Souls trilogy. Souls Games has always been about gameplay first and foremost, but there is also an in-depth story running across the franchise.

The Dark Souls trilogy mainly focuses on the end of the world created by the worst human tendencies. Black Souls 3 includes the inevitable death of all things, transformed firmly from the Fire Age to the new era determined by the player. While the Souls’ games always have many conclusions, Dark Spirits 3 has many with a total of four – all with different Dark Souls 3 Endings.

Dark Souls 3 Endings

To Link the First Flame

Many of the three Dark Souls 3 conclusions all have many steps a player has to complete throughout the story to get started. If a player fails to start the process of these three Dark Souls 3 Endings, he will still be able to open the standard end of the game: To Link the First Flame.

Starting To Connect First Flame one of the Dark Souls 3 Endings, players simply need to defeat the last boss – Soul of Cinder – in the Kiln of the First Flame. From there, you will have no choice but to connect the first flame. As hard as it is to fight Ashen One, the first flame is still dead and the game ends with a Fire Season to stretch the dead world.

Dark Souls 3 Endings

The End of Fire

Linking First Flame is very clear as a bad ending to Black Souls 3 (or at least not right) in all of the Dark Souls 3 Endings, but ending the Age of Fire requires players to put in some real work. To end the Fire, players need to get Eyes on the Fireplace to give them a Fire Keeper in the Firelink Shrine.

The eyes of the Fire Brigade were found in a dark Firelink area connected to an unknown cemetery. Untended Graves can be achieved by tearing down a deceptive wall in the Oceiros management court. The cemetery is finally the black color of Cemetary of Ash and Champion Gundyr replaces Iudex in this Dark Souls 3 Endings.

As soon as Champion Gundy is killed, you will be able to enter the dark Firelink Shrine and get the Fire Brigade’s Eyes inside. Give the Fireman a real Firelink Shrine answer “Yes” to him immediately after reading all his conversations. The Fire Keeper’s Summon sign will now appear when Soul of Cinder kills, allowing you to launch The End of Fire that ends the cutscene where darkness dominates the earth – or not life itself thus you get Dark Souls 3 Endings.

Dark Souls 3 Endings


There is actually a single branch tied to The End of Fire one of the Dark Souls 3 Endings. After completing all the steps to trigger the Fire Extinguisher and call the Fire Keeper, you will see that you still have control over your character. To start an Unauthorized end, simply kill the Fireman before the end of the cutscene.

Ashen One will steal the First Flame as the world darkens, with no Fire Keeper to confirm the player. Failure to show kindness is a particularly tragic outcome that is not even a prize or success, but it is worth it. After working hard to help the Fire Brigade end the Fire Age, why should it be rewarded with such brutality in Dark Souls 3 Endings.

Dark Souls 3 Endings

Usurpation of Fire

Causing the end of Usurpation of Fire is an attempt at the whole game that can be shut down if you are not careful in this one of the Dark Souls 3 Endings. Your first step is to get Joel of London on foot from the High Wall Bonfire to get him back to the Firelink Shrine. There, he will increase you for free eight times the price (every two deaths cause a free rate up). As long as all the higher levels are completed before the Abyss fighters fight, Yoel will die and Yuria will give birth at the Firelink Shrine.

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Play the game until you reach Halfway Fortress Bonfire where you will meet Anri from Astora. Take out all their dialogue and talk to Anri again at the Firelink Shrine when the Deep Deacons are dead. The next time you meet Anri you will be at Carthus Cemetery where they will be separated from their partner, Horace.

Find and kill Horace at Smoldering Lake, then tell Anri where he was so they can lay Horace’s grave in this Dark Souls 3 Endings. From here, you will meet Anri again at Yorshka Bonfire Church for one last conversation. After killing Pontiff Sulyvahn, talk to Yuria at the Firelink Shrine to start your wedding party.

Dark Souls 3 Endings

Talk to Pilgrim outside of Daymoon Tomb under Anor Londo to find the festival sword. Use the sword on Anri’s body and the event will be over. Back at the Firelink Shrine, Yuria will urge the player to link the First Flame. After killing the Soul of Cinder, connect First Flame with Ashen One will play fire.

This are the all the four Dark Souls 3 Endings, try each one of them, until then happy gaming.