Genshin Impact 2.6: An Easy Guide to the Floral Courtyard challenge!

Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact 2.6 has brought a lot of things for players to participate in, and the Floral Courtyard is one of them. In this task, players will have to make a few arrangements based on a picture, along with with a few timed hints.

How to participate in the Floral Courtyard in Genshin Impact

This new activity, called the Floral Courtyard in Genshin Impact, is a part of the Hues of the Violet Garden. And to get access to this one, they will need to complete the True Tales Act 3: A New Painting in Pale Scarlet. After completing this, you will unlock the Floral Courtyard in Genshin Impact.



The Floral Courtyard in Genshin Impact- Explained

The Floral Courtyard task is very simple with basic mechanics. You will be given four arrangements of three, which will get unlocked after the previous tasks are complete. Now, all you have to do is select the proper ones as per the given theme and shown in the image.

As for the hints, you will get one after 60 seconds have elapsed in total, the overall time limit offered for this task will be more than enough to complete the challenge.

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As for customization/arrangement, you will have a total of 8 options. The first one is the base, which has four options to select from. It is a similar case with the second option, i.e. the Floral Scene, which also contains four options. As for the other six arrangement options, they are of the flower you have to put in a different direction. Each of the remaining 6 is titled Main Flower ad the only difference is in their placement position. For example, the Front-Left, Front-Center, Front-Right, Back-Left, Back Center and the Back-Right.


By completing each arrangement successfully, you will complete the task. Then you must visit the event page to get your rewards for each arrangement. The Floral Courtyard act offers rewards like Moras, Primogems, and much more. You will also receive unique rewards in this activity, which are pots. You can also use these floral themes in your Serenitea pot.



Shrine of Depth


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