Genshin Impact: How To Get Vitalized Dragontooth

Genshin Impact Dragontooth

Genshin Impact Dragontooth: Genshin Impact recently introduced the new five-star Liyue star Xiao as a playable character. That being said, Travelers continue to discover new features of the previously introduced region of Dragonspine, located just south of Mondstadt.

Travelers have spent some time getting acquainted with Dragonspine as a result of a Genshin Impact event attended by Albedo, a Geo-based chemist. Those who have already completed the “Festering Fang” search line aimed at introducing the region will also be Genshin Impact Dragontooth heard at least by a mythical Dragonspine spear.

Dragonspine Spear was introduced in the game alongside Frostbearer (catalyst) and Snow-Tombed Starsilver (claymore) as part of the Version 1.2 Dragonspine version. Genshin Impact Dragontooth All three of these weapons share the capability of “Frost Burial,” which allows the user the opportunity to create a powerful icicle that controls Cryo DMG in a standard or paid attack. In addition to this shared ability however, the three weapons in the Dragonspine series are available in completely different ways. The Dragonspine Spear requires a plan, and can be built with the help of eight Vitalized Genshin Impact Dragontooth.

Genshin Impact Dragontooth

Genshin Impact Dragontooth

Players can discover the Vitalized Genshin Impact Dragontooth by taking the Strange Tooth Core found in the Wyrmrest Vallet and “extracting the energy.” Four Strange teeth can be found across the Dragonspine, and appear two days later. Players hoping to perform the Dragonspine Spear should take part in what could be a week-long effort. And if they plan to refine their Dragonspine Spear, Travelers should wait a few weeks to make a large Dragonspine pumpkin.

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Once the player has discovered four “Strange Tooth” items, they must go to a hidden Core located in the Wyrmrest Valley, which is part of the Dragonspine region. Once you are there to get Genshin Impact Dragontooth simply join the big heart-like business to create Vitalized Dragonteeth. Carrying eight and Dragonspine Spear drawings, players can simply turn to one of the game’s mechanics and make their own four-star weapon.

Genshin Impact Dragontooth

After all, Vitalized Genshin Impact Dragontooth is one of the ingredients needed for Dragonspine Spear plans, and players will need them all to successfully hold one of the poles. Other construction requirements are 50 Starsilver (also available throughout Dragonspine), the 500 mora and the Northlander Polearm Billet. Players should also be aware that the Polearm Billet is simply renamed as the “Northlander Polearm Prototype.”

Use this guide to find Genshin Impact Dragontooth, until then happy gaming.