Genshin Impact: Where To Find Grain of Aerosiderite

Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite

Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite: Among all the programs, materials, and materials used in Genshin Impact, even knowing what resources you need to upgrade or upgrade with certain weapons can be a big problem. At the same time, you will want to have all the best gears to keep up with the growing difficulties of enemies you encounter as you progress through the game.

Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite is one of the most important elements of the rise of certain weapons, but there are not many ways to put your hands on one another. If you are struggling to find the right thing to do, here is what you can get Aerosiderite grains from Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite


Where to Find an Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite

There are two main ways you can get Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite from Genshin Impact, although one is more time consuming than the other. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, so it will be up to you to decide which method – or combination of them – best for you.

Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite

Land Cultivation

Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite are one of the rotating rewards you can get when you complete Domain of Forgery – Trail Grounds of Thunder or Domain of Forgery: Electrostatic Field. The first one should be done on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and the last one offers Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite as a reward on Sundays. Make sure you save your original Resin these days so you can maximize how often you can use domains.

Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite

Buy Aerosiderite Grains

One way to get Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite is to buy them easily. You can get up to three a day from the Souvenir Shop in Liyue, each costing four Geo Sigils. Geo Sigils, if you do not have one, are obtained by opening the chests or lined up with the Seven statues in the Liyue region.

You usually need one Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite to climb a weapon like Black Tassel, Mappa Mare, or Iron Sting, so one shopping trip should be enough to satisfy your needs. If not, while domain cultivation takes time and costs Original Resin, the only way to get more grain right now.

Use this 2 ways to get Genshin Impact Grain of Aerosiderite, until then happy gaming.