Mass Effect 2: Crime In Progress Sidequest Walkthrough

Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest

Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest: Throughout the Mass Effect series, Shepard is constantly involved in issues that have nothing to do with him. However, in most cases, the entry of a hero can help in this situation.

For example, in Mass Effect 2’s Crime in Progress Assignment, a hero is tasked with finding out what happened to a lost debt. The loser said it was Volus who accused Quarian of stealing, but denied the allegations. There is a C-Sec police officer in the case, however it looks shallow. So, it’s up to you to find out what really happened to Volus’ credit chit – here’s how you do it the Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest.

Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest

Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest

Starting Assignment

Before resolving an investigation, it is clear that you need to find the people involved. Volus, Quarian, and C-Sec Officer all stand next to the 26-level Shipping Warehouse in Citadel. You can start the Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest from the first time you go to the icon channel.

Once you have shareholders, you can ask each of them for their opinion on what happened to the credit chit. These conversations are not necessary, but they point you in the direction of everyone else in the story in Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest.

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Volus claims that Quarian collided with him and pulled out a chit. The suspect, however, defends himself and says the only thing he did wrong was to insult Volus. Of course, the C-Sec Officer has no information but relies on Volus’s side.

Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest

If Tali is in your team during this part, he will also show that he is among the most popular players in the series by making exciting ideas. If you’ve heard enough, say, “I’ll check this out” to begin your chit search. Move to the next step in Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest.

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Finding Chit

If you’ve spoken to Quarian and Volus, you’ve heard the Sirta Foundation say it over and over again. However, the shop is just a red calf – as Volus said, he entered the area but did not buy anything in Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest.

The store you really need to go to is Saronis Applications, which is about the same level as where you spoke to Volus and Quarian. Involve the clerk, Marab, in the interview and ask him about Kor Tun’s credit chip. The moneylender in Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest will show that he has a chit behind the counter as Volus left it behind earlier.

Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest

After the revelation, you should return to Volus and tell them where to find it (the “I got a credit chit” option). At this point, the search will be over, but you can still create one of Paragon’s main distractions in the game to blast both Volus and the C-Sec Officer in their Quarian treatment. Your actions across the allotment net meet points and other credits.

Use this steps to complete Mass Effect 2 Crime in Progress Side Quest, until then happy gaming.