Dark Souls 3: How To Fight The Deacons Of The Deep

Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep

Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep: From Software has been playing around with fantasy scenes when it comes to the Soulsborne franchise, a fact that is very reminiscent of their work in the King’s Field series. Dark Souls 3 is undoubtedly the darkest game in the series and that actually means something given how strained the atmosphere is between the Spirits of Demons and Bloodborne. Black Souls 3 is set in a mortal world that has expired, taking players to ruin buildings full of rotten beasts.

The Cathedral of the Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep is as much a palace as it is a living grave for those buried inside. Black Souls 3 brings actors to the Cathedral of the Deep for about a third of the story, emphasizing the formation of static levels and the ways of branches going in and out of other shortcuts. Cathedral of the Deep may compel you to test it on the first toy, but it’s easier to use once you understand its structure.

At the end of the Cathedral lies the Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep, the leader of many enemies ready to give the Black Spirits three players. Deep Diacons differ even in the levels of Dark Souls 3, losing the number of a boss among several enemies rushing a player. Deacons Deep are not too hard to put down, but it is always easy to take on a real enemy army at the same time.

Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep

Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep

Deep Cathedral

Although confusing at first run, the Cathedral of the Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep is not so difficult to traverse as long as you are patient and watchful. There are many dangerous enemies everywhere (Large and Deep Cursed Slaves can be great threats) and lots of hay you can cut (Empty Slaves, Cathedral Knights, etc.

Read Also: Dark Souls 3: All Four Endings And How To Get Them

Cathedral of the Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep is also home to Rosario, the Reborn Mother, NPC players who can change their appearance or re-change their stats when interviewed. The gate of the Deacons Deacons can be found in the prayer room where all the seats are. Go down the stairs to get to the gate, but stick to where you need to be called.

Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep

Available summons

Anyone who plays Dark Souls 3 online, but still needs help, there are three calling collaborators available outside the Deacons room of the deep management. Anri of Astora, Sirris of Sunless Realms, and Horace the Hushed can be called, but you can usually call two at the same time without using a dry finger to fight Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep.

Keep in mind that inviting partners will prolong the life of an employer, so anyone who fights Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep is likely to exacerbate their problems. When you’re ready, go into the management room.

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Defeating Deacons

Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep can be difficult if you take too long. The boss is fighting against players who are competing with dozens of Deacons at the same time, including spells (better to kill sooner than later). During the first half of the battle, Deep Deacons will introduce a red aura between each other – focusing on attacking any bright red deacon.

In the second phase, one of the Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep will take a red aura while the other Deacons are watching and trying to fight you. A heavy, wide-open weapon goes a long way here, helping you cut several Deacons at once. If you are fast enough, it is also possible that the Deacons in the depths have not yet had much fun.

Use this guide to fight Dark Souls 3 Deacons of the Deep, until then happy gaming.


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