Easy Guide to Unlock Launch Tube: Genshin Impact!!!

In Genshin Impact, Launch Tube is used for the fireworks. For getting this we need to complete a minigame.


Hello gamers, if you are really a Genshin Impact lover, then you will be well aware of the Launch Tube, a gadget used for shooting the fireworks. But before having it, you need to complete a mini-game to unlock and use it. So, here’s the ultimate guide for smooth gaming.


Launch Tube Gadget:

In Genshin Impact, Launch Tube can be obtained by completing a firework-based mini-game during the Lantern Rite event. During the Flight event, players will have to complete the Fleeting Colours to get the Launch Tube. If you are well acquainted with the game then you will know that The Lantern Rite is a limited-time event. Due to this reason most of the players will only have a few weeks to participate in it. And they can claim their Launch Tube gadget.

use launch tube gadget

Before players can participate and earn the Launch Tube, they will have to unlock the Lantern Rite Event. However, before accessing the Lantern Rite event they need to reach Adventure Rank 23. However, when all of the requirements are met, then only players can start the quests in the Lantern Rite event and earn exclusive rewards like the Launch Tube.

Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune:

Players need to start the Fleeting Colors in Flight event and complete the quest to get Launch Tube, “The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune.” This will unlocks the Flame plume Star power mini-game where the players will need to create and launch fireworks for various rewards, including Genshin Impact’s Primo gems. If the players complete the firework-launching mini-game, then only will able to keep it and use it to shoot the fireworks anywhere.

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Unlocking Launch Tube in Genshin Impact:

This game has its own special impact like the Flame plume Star power mini-game also allow the players to smell their own fireworks. Also the quality can be rated based on the colour, size, and height. So, players may use single smelt function to raise each of these stats until the bar is in ideal zone. You can receive quality score depending on how close to the ideal zone each parameter was. Higher the quality, more rewarding the players will receive. It is an automatic reward which players may keep just for starting the mini-game.