Little Nightmares 2: School, Complete Guide for Chapter 2

This guide on Nightmares 2 will help you to get the overall idea of game and guide you with all the tips and tricks to play the game.

Little Nightmares 2 Guide

Little Nightmares 2– The developers have added a number of new puzzles in the game to complete each level. There were several players who were asking about the puzzles that were in the School inside the game.  There are several YouTubers who have uploaded walk-through videos for Little Nightmares 2, School but in this article, we will list the walk-through in words. We suggest you go through the points before you could go for a video walk-through.

TV Puzzle in Little Nightmares 2:

In order to solve the TV Puzzle, you have to enter from the broken door into the next room at first. Then you have to swing right through the TV using the hook in the room where you will shoot up. Now, you have to push the remaining tv sets and bring the character back. You can jump and grab her hand to save her.

Entering the School:

in Little Nightmares 2, you have to climb the building using the rope and knock at the painting from where the light is coming. Now, you will have to walk down the small hole to enter the room and jump at the weaker portion of the room which is the center of the room from where you should go down the platforms and remove the vent from the right. Crawl down the vent to reach the lockers.

Little Nightmares 2 tips and tricks

Finding the Elevator Key:

you can solve this puzzle by moving to The Teacher’s classroom. Enter stealth by filling the cabinets. The key would be on the top of the bookshelf and come back stealth.

Chess Puzzle:

For solving this puzzle you have to start by making a platform for yourself. Get the white rook and make the platform stand on. You will reach the broken chessboard by jumping on it. You will find one of The Bullies as a piece. You will now have to find the missing pieces and place them in their position to complete this challenge after which you will see the secret door opening.

Little Nightmares 2 full guide

How to Get the Bully’s Key in Little Nightmares 2:

You need to enter the room in an absolutely hidden and mute way so that you are not noticeable. Take help from Six in order to divert the Bully as you enter the room. Take the opportunity to step to the piano. Grab the pipe and smack it on Bully.  Take the keys and six will help you to reach the door out of the room.

Little Nightmares 2 Complete Guide