How to Romance Ashley Williams in Mass Effect

Mass Effect Romance Ashley

Mass Effect Romance Ashley: After hiring him at Eden Prime, Shepard can date Gunnery Manager Ashley Williams at Mass Effect. The first Mass Effect includes three romantic interests: Kaidan Alenko, found only in Shepard’s female, Ashley Williams, found only in Shepard’s male, and Liara T’Soni, found in both of them.

While not the main focus of the story, the romance in the Mass Effect trilogy can add something immersive to the game. It is easily known to start an arc of love in the original Mass Effect, to the point that some players choose to avoid dating the team players until the sequence. For those who don’t want to wait, Ashley is one possible option. She is a warrior of a dedicated and honest women but who often speaks ill of and distrusts strangers.

There aren’t many steps involved to lock in love with Mass Effect Romance Ashley. Usually, Shepard will need to accept his jokes and choose Paragon chat options when talking to them. He should also join her behind all the chat machines and give the romance a chance to grow.

Mass Effect Romance Ashley

If Shepard accidentally or intentionally flirts with Ashley and Liara, he will have to make a choice, reducing their chances of dating another woman. Plus, there’s a chance that Ashley will die if the actress doesn’t pay attention, which could end the romance completely and your idea of Mass Effect Romance Ashley. Once the love arc is complete, Shepard can rekindle his love affair with Ashley later in Mass Effect 3. Here’s how to start dating Ashley Williams in Mass Effect.


How To Mass Effect Romance Ashley In Multiple Outcomes

At Mass Effect Romance Ashley, Ashley will be available as a collaborator with Shepard starting in the Prelude, once Shepard and Kaidan get him in Eden Prime. As soon as Shepard wakes up and returns to Normandy, he can talk to Ashley and she should be sure to thank him for his help.

After talking to Anderson, Shepard should talk to Ashley again and reassure her that what happened to Eden Prime was not her fault. In the following conversation Shepard has with Ashley after being sent to Citadel, he will want to avoid telling her to get out of line when she expresses her concern about Shepard letting strangers into the ship. It’s first step in Mass Effect Romance Ashley.

Mass Effect Romance Ashley

Choosing that chat option will determine the success of the Mass Effect Romance Ashley. Shepard can still argue with him, however, and beg him to open his mind in some way. Later in the conversation, Shepard can flirt with her, in which she will respond by making fun of the rules.

Shepard should find and talk to Ashley about following all the big machines in Mass Effect to continue to let love grow. It is often advisable to choose Paragon or Neutral chat options, or other Renegade options will not end the Mass Effect Romance Ashley if Shepard prefers to use them. Shepard will learn about Ashley’s family history and her love of poetry through these conversations.

If Shepard talks to Liara T’Soni following her rescue from Therum, Ashley will see. Shepard will need to reassure Ashley that her relationship with Liara is only professional. He can also shut up Liara by telling her that Ashley is important to him. If Shepard continues to flirt with both Liara and Ashley, he will eventually face both women and are expected to make a choice. You will need to choose Ashley to continue the Mass Effect Romance Ashley.

Mass Effect Romance Ashley


Ashley plays a key role during the Virmire: mission. Shepard can send her along with Captain Kirrahe, or he will be the one to equip this nuke. In any case, Shepard will eventually need to choose who will help and who will be left behind when the bomb explodes. You will need to choose to save Ashley to move forward in Mass Effect Romance Ashley, and leave Kaidan behind if they want to continue dating Ashley. While he will express his anger at Shepard’s decision, Shepard can help convince him that he is needed in the anti-Saren machines.

Once Normandy is settled, Ashley will find and confirm Shepard. She and Shepard will almost kiss before being interrupted by the Joker. Afterwards, on the way to Ilos, he will appear in Shepard’s room and try to convince her. Shepard will need to choose Staying with Me to convince her to have sex with him, and the two will share an intimate moment. Ashley will continue to tease her even at the end of the scandal. This marks the end of the arc of love in Mass Effect.

After the preliminary events of Mass Effect 2, the players will never meet Ashley again until Horizon, where she will always fight and refuse to join in last step in Mass Effect Romance Ashley. They can reunite at the beginning of Mass Effect 3 and resume romance as long as Shepard remains faithful or breaks his passion for Mass Effect 2 love.