Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Settling Down Quest Guide

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AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest: Sitting down is the top ten news requirement in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It starts immediately after the end of Unacceptable, which sees you fighting a bunch of criminals who replaced the abandoned Ragnarsson. Now that they are gone, you can look for this place for yourself – and with Sigurd and Randvi, Eivor decides to call it Ravensthorpe.

There is a lot you need to know here, how to create a Gunnar frame to attack a monastery. Don’t worry, though: our Settling Down guide from our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla walkthrough has all the details you’ll need to complete the quest and start building Ravensthorpe in the right home. Read how to complete AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest below.

AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest

AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest Guide

A series of several cutscenes will play between the end of the rejection and the beginning of the AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest. When this is over, go and talk to Gunnar at his place to build it. You are highlighted by a search mark, so it is easy to find, but if you are trapped, you are in the second tent on the left after leaving the harbor.

Gunnar will say you need the materials to build his forge well and he will give you a monastery in AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest. According to him, the raid that the monastery will get you materials and materials to build a residence.

AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest

Go to the ports and board your boat. There are several monks marked on the minimap, but one on the west takes less time to sail. Go for it – once you get close, you’ll be given a command to renew the attack. Be assured that Eivor will strike their warhorn when the crew stops the ship. Jump on the side of the boat and run towards the monastery – it’s time for your first real Viking attack which comes in AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest.

The next battle in AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest is not so difficult, but a kind of fight different from anything you have ever experienced so far. Some of the enemies here have poles, which means they can find you from a distance. This is not the biggest deal, but you will need to set aside time for your dodges to get out of the way on time, lest you get stuck in a unforgiving tab.


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Once you’ve defeated all your enemies, go to the palace itself – the largest building here – and force the door open by holding down the contact button. Hold this until the door is actually open or you cannot register properly. When you go inside, push the big chest behind the room open in the same way – you’ll need a co-worker to help you with it, so be patient if it seems cold when you’re alone. Eivor is just waiting for help in AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest.

AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest

Chest will provide you with the things you need to improve Gunnar’s fraud in AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest. You can continue to attack if you like – the only real enemy here is the yeoman, who has more weapons compared to the regular enemies you’ve fought so far. It’s also very easy once you’ve got its hangout – you can avoid his attacks and hit him while he’s in his recovery photo, or break his shield shape by using your own heavy attack.

The combo I like to use to fight with enemy enemies is dodge, light attacks, heavy attacks, light attacks, which allows you to deal with a lot of damage in a short time. If this hits them down, go hard on an easy attack to kill them before they wake up – if not, prepare for an attack on them in AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest and repeat the same combo.

You will receive a notification of “finish off” if you have stolen all the big chests here, which means you have found all the supplies for the monastery. That being said, there is no need to rob everything to improve Gunnar’s scam – even though you can use the same things to make other parts of your stay, too.

AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest

Once you have decided whether you want to steal a clean spot or put a leg on what you have so far, go back to the boat and go back the way you came. Get off at Ravensthorpe and head back to Gunnar in AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest. You can upgrade the forge by contacting a sign next to his tent, which shines white. Confirm the action to build the forge and it will play a short cutscene – once it is completed, you can reach out to the Gunnar team and you can upgrade your weapons and armor.

The last step of the AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest is to find Sigurd, who is still there and last spoke to him. Go to the tall house and talk to her, then she will show you your new room here. Check out your bed, dashboard on desk, and Ravensthorpe status as described in the note attached to the corner of the platform – all three of these are highlighted by the search marks in your room.

Once you have a good look, follow the new tag to claim your discount to meet Sigurd again. You will have Dag, Basim and Hytham outside the tall house. Talk to Sigurd and the AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest will end, with the search for the following key issues: The new home.

Use this guide to complete AC Valhalla Settling Down Quest, until then happy gaming.