Cyberpunk 2077 is an open world, narrative-driven role-playing game set in the universe of the classic pen & paper RPG system...
Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most anticipated games ever and was finally released in late 2020, on Dec 10th....
What a year it has been for the Battle Royal game, Fortnite. Not only did its parent company, Epic Games, did not win its lawsuit against Apple, but it also got itself kicked from Android’s Play Store. When digital games, especially on mobile platforms, are seeing unprecedented growth, Epic Games...
Borderlands 3 fans waiting for the next expansion to arrive have been giving special encouragement to continue playing the current...
Remedy Entertainment has announced the release dates for PS5 and Xbox Series S / X versions of Control Ultimate Edition,...
The Witches of the Coast have released Magic the gathering Kaldheim trailer, the following Magic: Norse Influence is full of teaser, as it suggests multiple worlds connected by the World Tree and the upcoming apocalyptic event. The story of the set sees the pilot Kaya visiting the plane as the...
Ubisoft previews their Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Yule Festival event, which runs from December 17 to January 7. The free update...
Fortnite Snowmando Quest: Players who try to eliminate the demand for Nutcracker Operation Snowmando at Fortnite can use this guide...
Sucker Punch recently donned a blood-soaked dress at Ghost of Tsushima Legends. This guide will explain how to unlock the Ronin section. Anyone who does not play Ghost of Tsushima misses. The game was nominated for almost all categories at the Game Awards 2020, and went home with the Best...
This year was full of themes that captivated all audiences, from multi-action RPGs and first-person shooters, to some crazy-driving games,...