Fortnite is a multiplayer online battle royale game published and developed by Epic Games. The game was initially released as...
What a shocking news, though! Do you remember Super Nintendo World? A theme park intended to celebrate Nintendo’s rich history...
Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most anticipated games ever and was finally released in late 2020, on Dec 10th. Developed by CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk is an open-world, story-based action RPG game. It was first announced in May of 2012 and the first trailers for the game surfaced on...
We can’t determine whether Santa Claus is real or not but if Santa Claus is considered to be an American...
Google Stadia, currently the best cloud gaming service on the planet, has finally made its way on iOS devices. It...
What a year it has been for the Battle Royal game, Fortnite. Not only did its parent company, Epic Games, did not win its lawsuit against Apple, but it also got itself kicked from Android’s Play Store. When digital games, especially on mobile platforms, are seeing unprecedented growth, Epic Games...
The war is officially on; Google’s Stadia is formally launched on Apple’s iOS and iPad OS. You can use the...
When Ark 2 dropped its trailer on Thursday, I was as shocked as the next-person after seeing Vin Diesel pop...
Cyberpunk 2077 is a beautiful mess with lots of bugs. When it was revealed that Keanu Reeves was starring in the game, man, we were excited! But after the launch, the game didn’t measure up to all the hype. As such, the game was at the receiving end from not...
The well-known and not so beloved Electronic Arts is currently busy fighting three different class action lawsuits. Electronic Arts or...