Pokemon GO Unova celebration: Following the conclusion of the Kalos celebration event, Pokemon GO announces a new Unova celebration event...
In Halo Infinite’s campaign, the Master Chief returns when humanity’s fate hangs in the balance to confront the most ruthless...
Similar to its predecessor, Nioh 2 is an action role-playing game. Players can create their playable character, who was a yōkai spirit. Players are equipped with a variety of weapons such as odachi and kusarigama and earn new skills as they progress in the game. When players defeat a hostile yōkai, some of them may drop a “Soul...
Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. The story takes place in...
Earlier this year, the COD lads gave us a nice present with their brand new title in the Black Ops...
The Whole GTA franchise is Rockstar’s wonder child, that is loved and adored in the gaming community. Grand Theft Auto: V is everyone’s favorite game from the franchise, obviously after GTA: San Andreas. It is an open-world, action-adventure game released back in 2013. The game has an online mode which...
Fortnite Snowmando Quest: Players who try to eliminate the demand for Nutcracker Operation Snowmando at Fortnite can use this guide...
Dota 2 Hoodwink: Dota 2’s biggest annual update, Mistwoods, introduces a squash called Hoodwink, in addition to a long list...
League of Legends is one of the famous and most played games in the world currently. It was released back in 2009 and is a free to play, online multiplayer battle arena video game. It is developed by Riot Games and is available for Windows and Mac OS. Riot Games...
Counter-Strike is one of the most popular franchises in the gaming industry. CS: GO was released back in mid-2012 by...