Resident Evil Village is the upcoming entry in the horror-action genre of the already popular Resident Evil series. And the...
Season 3 of Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War brings along with it a lot of new weapons for...
Pokemon Go – If you have played the game Pokémon go then certainly you might have faced Giovanni. Don’t you guys feel he is one of the most dangerous opponents in the game? If this is so then we have brought you a guide on how to beat Giovanni. Giovanni...
NieR Replicant – If you guys remember there is a memory alloy in the game NieR replicant. So we have...
AC Valhalla A Cruel Destiny Quest Guide: Cruel Destiny is the next application after Rude Awakening in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla,...
Outriders Defeat Vanguard Captain: After a very popular demo, the Outriders finally released it, giving players the opportunity to test everything Enoch has to offer. Whether you were playing for a while or spending hours in a demo, you may have encountered Vanguard Captain. This is one of the first...
Apex Legends Season 9: Legacy is finally out and live and it has brought some interesting changes and addition to...
Apex Legends Season 9: Legacy is finally out and live and it has brought some interesting changes and addition to...
This time it’s the Pokemon Go – Rainy Lure Module. Yes, we have brought you a guide for getting the rainy lure module. Read the guide patiently to get what is yours. Self-Controlled Game: You know what is the best thing I like about Pokémon GO. The game has a...
This article will give you a brief idea about the New Pokémon Snap Founja including all the requests, a list...