Mass Effect is a science fiction media franchise created by Preston Watamaniuk, Drew Karpyshyn, and Casey Hudson and owned by...
Fortnite Season 6 has introduced its players to various Neymar Jr. challenges. And one such challenge tasks players with scoring...
Monster Hunter Rise allows us to go on rides with everyone’s favourite anthropomorphized felines, the policies. However, this time around, we also have malamutes, canine helpers that can also be used as mounts to move around maps faster. Going with the traditions, the policies, and the malamutes have special buddy skills that...
The newest entry in the FPS MMO category, Enlisted is slowly starting to climb up the ladder and becoming one...
NieR Replicant – Have you ever wondered how much time and effort it will take to complete all the missions...
League of Legends – Gwen was recently released on the LOL platform on April 15th. Though she is new, but the gamers didn’t show much interest in picking her. Maybe the players haven’t used all of her abilities. Whatsoever the reason is. We have brought you an article about Gwen’s...
As seen in Fortnite’s new update within Chapter 2 Season 6, Brazilian and current PSG legend, Neymar Jr. is bringing...
Fortnite’s Chapter 2 Season 6 sees a new update as football icon Neymar Jr. hits the video game stage. Neymar...
AC Valhalla Rude Awakening Quest: Rude Awakening is the next sequel to The Prodigal Prince, and it sees you meet face to face with Kjotve’s attackers for the first time since he escaped from their hands early in the game. If it’s hard to find and defeat Kjotve’s spies, don’t...
Monster Hunter Rise Almudron: Mizutsune has a rival now as Almudron has joined the Monster Hunter Rise. Both are classified...